while finishing a task for terjon in the emridy meadows when you get his lost property you also get the ambers a heavy gold chain and a figurine. do...
i was going to multi-class my rogue with a fighter just to get the better hp score and i was wondering if i do that will he be able to use the...
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Multiclassing rogue and fighter is very common. One of my favorite 10th level builds is rogue 3/fighter 7. Anyway, yeah he'll get more HP and better...
under spells it gives you the option to enhance your spells. you can maximize some and some you can widen or both. it will put little circles by the...
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Also bear in mind that when you use metamagic on a spell of a given level, it will have to be put into a spell slot of a higher level. How much...
when you multiclass do you always get the better of the abilities. like if i have a rogue and i multiclass him with a fighter he will get the better...
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Each class has it's own bonuses for each level, you get the benefit of all of the bonuses for all of your classes up tothe level in each class you...
I've applied the second patch and CO8 patch, but with a saved game whenever I right click on a character or try to use the map, it blows up and...
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Yeah, in general, if you apply a new patch or mod, you're asking for trouble if you try to play with old saves. If you change the setup of the game,...
Temple level 3, on the west side is a circular room with a sliding piece of floor. I believe this is the secret passage that takes me through to...
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That is really strange. I believe when you search it lets you take twenty, so it can't be just that you're getting highly unlikely. Although, if you...
I found this chain, and had it identified. It says it is a Masterwork, which should reduce -2 armor penalty; insted I got another -2. Is that a bug?...
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Hard to say if that's right, actually, because sometimes the breakdowns in that window get messed up. For instance, if you're overencumbered, it will...
in the players manual under cleric's weapon and armor proficiency p.43, that every deity has a favored weapon and a cleric can reiceve bonuses for...
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I'm not 100% sure how it works in Temple, but in 3.5 D&D a cleric with the war domain gets both weapon proficiency and weapon focus with her deity's...
im new at this game and was wondering if anyone had some tips on combat. for one thing how do you change your weapons during combat, like going from...
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To change weapons, open the inventory screen and swap them out that way. You can open it with I or via the radial menu.
in d&d you used to want a low armor class is seems like in this game you want a high score is that correct and is that the same for most other stats....
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You want high AC and small penalties.
AC works like this: when you attack, you roll a d20 and add any modifiers. If you meet or exceed the AC of your...
I'm on my first run-through of TOEE, and my cleric has just reached level 5, but she only has the spells she began with.
She did get Greater Turning...
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Well, no, what you need to do is actually put your higher level spells into the relevent spell slots. These can be found from the magic window in the...
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