

Companions: Safiya



Neutral Red Wizard of Thay

Starting Ability Scores:

9 STR, 15 DEX, 14 CON, 19 INT, 11 WIS, 14 CHA


Safiya will join your party at the start of the campaign.

Best Quotes:

"If you enjoy tense situations, my affiliation with the feared magocracy of Thay should prove endlessly amusing."

"I like to think that everything looks good in red."

"I'm beginning to think you gave yourself this curse to meet exotic, arcane women."


Amt Act Location Situation
-6 I Lower Barrow When you first meet Safiya, tell her "I don't trust wizards in red who appear from nowhere."
±6 I Lower Barrow When Safiya introduces you to Kaji, note that she seems to care for him very much (+6), or call him a slave (-6).
-6 I Middle Barrow When you meet Nakata the Spirit Wolf, tell her that Safiya is no friend of yours.
-6 I Middle Barrow When examining the Imaskari Golem, indicate that you don't really trust Safiya.
+6 I Middle Barrow Allow Safiya to awaken the Imaskari Golem.
±6 I Upper Barrow When Safiya starts hearing voices, ask her if she's all right (+6), or tell her to be silent (-6).
+6 I Mulsantir Gate When you arrive at Mulsantir Gate, pass a lore check to recognize that Thayan wizards have invaded Rashemen in the past.
-15 I Mulsantir Gate When you arrive at Mulsantir Gate, suggest that Safiya not accompany you inside the city, and then give her a rude response.
-6 I Mulsantir Gate When you arrive at Mulsantir Gate, say that Safiya's mother must have given her "opportunities to be better than your peers."
0, -6 I N/A Tell Safiya that you think "Red wizards are more successful as tyrants than as scholars" (-6). After saying that, you can use diplomacy to regain the loss (+6).
±6 I N/A When talking to Kaji, imply that he's stupid, but then let him win the argument (+6), or continue to taunt him (-6).
+6 I N/A When talking to Kaji, ask him what he can do and then tell him that he's useful.
-11 I The Veil Theater When you enter the theater, tell Safiya that the red wizard is none of your concern.
-5, -11, -17 I The Veil Theater When Safiya hears voices again, pass a bluff check and lie that you hear them, too, and then continue to lie (-11). After that, you can use diplomacy or intimidation to recoup some of the loss (+6) or exacerbate the situation (-6).
±6, -11 I The Veil Theater When Safiya hears voices again, tell her that "if you don't want to talk about it, I'll understand" (+6), or react negatively (-6 or -11).
+6 I N/A Ask Safiya about the voices that she hears, and if you can convince her to answer you, thank her for the information (+6).
-11 I Shadow Theater When you meet Khai Khmun, tell Safiya to be quiet.
+6 I Shadow Theater After killing Khai Khmun, tell Safiya that you're sorry about her mother's death.
+6, -15 I Shadow Theater After killing Khai Khmun, tell Safiya that you'll understand if she wants to return home (+6), or point out that one less red wizard in the world isn't a bad thing (-15).
+6, -15 I Shadow Theater After killing Khai Khmun, praise Safiya's fighting skills (+6), or say you were only fighting in self-defense (+6), or say that you expect Safiya to help you if one of your rivals shows up (+6), or say that you enjoy killing red wizards (-15).
±6 I N/A When discussing the Rashemi, tell Safiya that you agree or that "these people do understand the spirits" (+6), or else call her "unfair" (-6).
-11 I N/A When you ask Saifya if she'll be heading home now, and she says no, call her "afraid."
+6, -11 I N/A When you ask Saifya if she'll be heading home now, and she says no, tell her that you appreciate her help (+6), or announce that she should leave because she's getting on your nerves or she's "too serious" (-11).
+6 I N/A When Safiya offers to mentor you, say that you would be "glad" to have her help.
+6 I Mulsantir Prison When you first meet Gann, pass a pair of spellcraft checks to notice that the runes in his cell were altered.
±6 I Shadow Mulsantir In Heilari's house, allow Safiya to help with the ritual (+6), or perform the ritual yourself (-6).
+11 I Mulsantir In the Sloop, when Fyldrin the pirate recognizes Safiya, tell him to "calm yourself."
-6 II N/A When Safiya asks you what it's like to be a spirit-eater, say "Ask me when I'm feeling hungry" or "What's not to like?"
+6 II Shadow Theater Ask Safiya if she can offer any insight about the Keeper of Doors.
-6 II N/A When having your "loyal" conversation with Kaelyn, ask her if you should take off your clothes or kiss.
+6 II N/A When Safiya asks what it's like to be a spirit-eater, flirt with her (male characters only).
-6 II Lake of Tears Garrison When talking to Nadaj, tell her "I find you to be unusually charming."
+6 II Lake of Tears Garrison When talking to Nadaj, tell her "My companions bring out the best in me."
±6 II N/A When you talk to Safiya after meeting the Wood Man, say "I enjoy the challenges and opportunities" (+6), or ask her "Do you have a problem with it?" (-6).
+6 II N/A When you talk to Safiya after meeting the Wood Man, ask her "As opposed to slightly fatal?" or say "I'm not going to just wait for the curse to kill me."
-6 II Lakeshore When you meet Fentomy, tell him "I'll respect your privacy."
+11 II Lakeshore When you meet Fentomy, pass a lore check to observe that he is genie.
+11 II Lakeshore Ask Kaji to pick the lock on Count Crowroost's coffin.
-25 II Coveya Kurg'annis When the uthraki tell you that they're hungry, offer them a bite of Safiya.
+6 II The Skein Power up the first Imaskari device.
+6 II The Skein Power up the second Imaskari device.
+15 II The Skein Power up the third Imaskari device.
+6 II N/A After visiting with the Slumbering Coven (male characters only), flirt with Safiya.
±6 II N/A After visiting the Slumbering Coven, tell Safiya "It can be difficult, I know" (+6), or press her for details about her dreams (-6).
+6 II N/A After visiting the Slumbering Coven (male characters only), tell Safiya "It wasn't that kind of dream."
+11 II N/A After visiting the Slumbering Coven, tell Safiya about the dreams you had.
+15, -11 II Academy Classrooms When talking to Master Djafi, say that you don't want to embarrass Safiya (+15), or ask for some embarrassing stories or tell Djafi about the voices Safiya hears (-11).
+11 II Academy Classrooms When talking to Master Djafi, call Safiya's homunculus tattoo "unique."
+11, -6, -35 II Academy Classrooms When Artesh insults Safiya's mother, tell him to show some respect (+11), tell Saifya to "go easy on him" (-6), or say "Good one, kid" (-35).
±15 II Academy Headmistress' Tower After opening Nefris' door, convince Master Djafi to switch sides (+15), or attack him with the other Red Wizards (-15).
+6 II N/A After defeating Myrkul, when Safiya asks you how it feels to have destroyed a god, give her an answer.
-6 III Academy Founder's Sanctum When talking to the Founder, call her "a revolting crone."
±11 III Academy Founder's Sanctum When talking to the Founder, tell Safiya "I would have done the same in her situation" (+11), or say "If I'd killed her, you would have turned on me" (-11).
+6 III Academy Founder's Sanctum After meeting the Founder, tell Safiya "I'm glad you're with me."
+35, -70 III Academy Founder's Sanctum Forgive the Founder (+35), or kill her (-70). If you kill the Founder, then your influence with Safiya will drop to -70, no matter where it had been before.
-74 III Death God's Vault When you head through the Betrayer's Gate and Safiya expresses her feeling for you, insult her.

Influence Bonuses (Safiya):

Influence Bonus
Supportive (25) +2 Concentration
Loyal (50) +4 Concentration, +1 Intelligence, Bonus Feat: Improved Empower Spell
Devoted (75) +6 Concentration, +2 Intelligence, Bonus Feat: Improved Empower Spell, +2 Save vs. Spells

Influence Bonuses (You):

Influence Bonus
Loyal (50) +1 Intelligence, +2 to All Spell Save DCs
Devoted (100) +2 Intelligence, +4 to All Spell Save DCs

Spoilers (Highlight to Read):

Safiya is basically the same person as Nefris, Lienna, and the Founder of the Red Wizard Academy. The voices that she hears are from those people, who are trying to protect her.

The Founder is the woman who caused Akachi to betray Myrkul, and she's trying to use you to end Akachi's suffering (the hunger that you feel is what remains of Akachi). That means Safiya will remain loyal to you.

Safiya is the romance option for male characters. If you fall in love with Safiya (while passing through the Betrayer's Gate in the Death God's Vault), then you'll gain a romance feat that will give you SR 30 and +2 wisdom.