

Location: Novigrad Outskirts

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Note: If you travel to the north or east of this map area, then you'll start encountering high level (level 30+) enemies, provided that you have the Hearts of Stone DLC. It's probably best to wait until after you've completed the main questline to explore those areas.

1 - Monster Den

Inside the cave here you'll encounter several level 18 nekkers plus a level 16 rabid rock troll. After defeating them, you'll find a pair of chests, one of which will contain the diagram for Feline Silver Sword - Superior.

2 - Merchant

At this spot you'll meet a merchant with a wide variety of wares.

3 - Hidden Treasure

On this island you'll encounter several drowners and mucknixers, but once you've defeated them you'll find a chest containing a letter. Reading the letter will trigger the quest Coast of Wrecks.

4 - Wrecked Ship

In the hold of the wrecked ship here, you'll find a treasure chest containing the diagram for Feline Crossbow.

5 - Logger's Hut

This hut is involved in the quest Contract: Lord of the Wood.

6 - Scoia'tael Camp

Inside this camp you'll meet a merchant. He'll sell you a variety of goods, and he's also involved in the quest Gwent: Big City Players.

7 - Farcorners District

You'll find a few things of interest in this district:

8 - Drahim Castle

This castle is involved in the quest Contract: The White Lady. You'll also find the diagram for Feline Steel Sword in the castle basement.

9 - Cunny of the Goose

Inside the tavern here, you'll meet two people of interest:
  • Innkeep. He'll sell you a few items, including some gwent cards.

  • Brean Hotsch. He's involved in the quest Contract: Lord of the Wood.
Outside the tavern, you'll meet a generic herbalist (during the day) and you'll find a notice board. The notice board will give you the quest Contract: Lord of the Wood.

10 - Seven Cats Inn

Inside this inn, you'll meet an inkeep who will sell you food, drinks, and a few gwent cards. Outside the inn, you'll find a notice board. If you read the notes on it then you'll trigger the quest Enchanting: Start Up Costs. Just interacting with the notice board will give you the quest Evil's Soft First Touches. Both of these quests are a part of the Hearts of Stone DLC.

11 - Docks

When you enter the building here, you'll find Lambert fighting an ekimmara. This encounter is a part of the quest Following the Thread.

12 - Crematory

Inside this crematory, you'll meet an alchemist with some supplies for sale.

13 - Monster Den (Golem)

You'll encounter a level 19 golem in the front part of the cave here. After defeating him, you'll find lots of containers to loot, including a chest with the diagram for Feline Steel Sword - Superior. You might also notice an illusionary wall in the back of the cave. If you have The Eye of Nehaleni (gained during the quest Wandering in the Dark), then you'll be able to dispel the illusion, which will grant you access to the remains of an alchemy workshop. Finally, on the western side of the workshop, you should spot the Aard symbol painted on the wall. If you use Aard there, then you'll open up a small chamber with even more containers to loot.

14 - Bards

At this spot you'll meet two bards discussing their art. If you drink with them twice, then they'll rob you, which will trigger the quest Novigrad Hospitality.

15 - Yantra

When you enter this village, you'll encounter some villagers seeking your help. Talking to them will trigger the quest Little Red. You'll also find a notice board in the village. It will give you the quest Contract: The Apiarian Phantom.

16 - Isolated Hut

This hut is involved in the quest A Poet Under Pressure.

17 - Moldavie Residence

This residence is involved in the quest Contract: Doors Slamming Shut.

18 - Honeyfill Meadworks

This location is involved in the quest Contract: The Apiarian Phantom.

19 - Yanina's Cabin

You'll meet Yanina in front of this cabin. She'll give you the quest Empty Coop.

20 - Redanian Soldiers

At this spot you'll witness a patrol of Redanian soldiers blocking some refugees from entering Novigrad. If you intervene (by bribing the patrol, using Axii on the patrol, or killing the patrol), then you'll earn 25 xp, and the refugees will tell you about the treasures you can find in the Dragonslayer's Grotto in Velen East.

21 - Merchant, Soldier and Theophile

At the campfire here, you'll meet Manfred (Merchant), Rufus (Soldier), and Maria Rosco (Theophile). If you join them, then they'll start talking about the war. During the conversation, Rufus will notice that Manfred seems to know more than an ordinary merchant, and he'll decide that Manfred is a spy. Rufus will then ask you to help him string Manfred up. You'll have three choices:
  • If you protect Manfred, then Rufus will attack you. You'll earn 25 xp for this option.

  • If you help Rufus, then Manfred will attack you. You'll earn 25 xp for this option, and Rufus will give you the diagram for Skellige Gambeson (which you can also find elsewhere).

  • If you stay out of the matter, then Rufus will kill Manfred, and you won't get anything.

22 - Circus Camp

In the camp here, you'll meet a gwent-obsessed merchant who will have no less than 15 gwent cards for sale.

23 - Vegelbud Residence

This residence and its associated horse racing track are involved in a few quests, including Broken Flowers, Carnal Sins, A Matter of Life and Death, and Race: The Great Erasmus Vegelbud Memorial Derby.

G - Guarded Treasure

M - Monster Nest

P - Place of Power

$ - Treasure