Fun dungeons, or fun-geons as PC Gamer's editors call them, have been a cornerstone of RPGs pretty much since the day they br...
If you’re feeling a bit nostalgic, you might want to check out this recent Rock Paper Shotgun article that looks back at Le...
The folks at GOG want to distract us from this summer's sweltering heat by offering us a chance to play a lot of heavily disc...
News comes via Almost Human's official Legend of Grimrock website that the original dungeon crawler has launched on Apple's i...
Almost Human fired over the expected press release today announcing that their fantastic dungeon crawler Legend of Grimrock i...
Our friends over at Almost Human have announced that the iPad version of the original Legend of Grimrock has gone gold and wi...
The research he is currently doing on the original Might and Magic: Book One - Secret of the Inner Sanctum inspired Frayed Kn...
The iPad port of the first Legend of Grimrock title has finally reached the beta stage, and to celebrate the occasion, the fo...
Almost Human co-founder Juho Salila continues to talk with Matt Barton about the Legend of Grimrock series in this second vid...
In addition to chatting about the excellent Legend of Grimrock and its recently released sequel in particular, Matt Barton qu...
The team at Almost Human fired over a press release this week announcing that the original Legend of Grimrock has sold over 9...
According to a blog post that recently popped up on Almost Human's website, Legend of Grimrock II has just entered its closed...
Fresh off the success of Nuka Break's two seasons, the Wayside Creations team have launched a Kickstarter campaign for a live...
An announcement on the official Legend of Grimrock website alerts us to the fact that the Linux version of the popular dungeo...
The team at Almost Human has been really quiet over the past month, so while we await new details about Legend of Grimrock I...
It looks like for a while not even Almost Human was sure what their Grimrock-related project was supposed to be, until a rece...
While it's not yet clear if the "new Grimrock project" teased by Almost Human is a sequel or an expansion, it has certainly p...
The first Legend of Grimrock blog post for 2013 brings plenty of good news for fans of the game, as we now know that the game...
For what is presumably his last WRPG-focused column of the year, Rowan Kaiser takes a look at the RPG genre and how it fared ...
A new blog entry on the official Legend of Grimrock website brings the fantastic news that the excellent dungeon crawler is n...
Word on the official Legend of Grimrock forums is that the team at Almost Human is nearly finished with porting the dungeon ...
Jay 'Rampant Coyote' Barnson has penned an article on the current state of the industry and the resurgence of old genres such...
As they promised yesterday, the small team at Almost Human has released the Legend of Grimrock Dungeon Editor alongside a v1....
In the latest blog entry to hit the official Legend of Grimrock website, Almost Human co-founder Petri Häkkinen shares the...
We're used by now to the fact that the folks at RPGCodex are allergic to the very idea of rushing out a review, so it's not p...
It's time to get out there and put your hands on the Legend of Grimrock Dungeon Editor, as the highly anticipated toolset is ...
With the newly revealed feature list for the Legend of Grimrock Dungeon Editor, my interest level in modding Almost Human's ...
In this week's update to the Legend of Grimrock blog, Antti reveals that the game's dungeon editor is now in "internal" beta...
There's a new "making of" blog entry up on the official Legend of Grimrock website, and this time it's Juho sharing an elabor...
There's a new blog entry up on the official Legend of Grimrock website today, in which our friend Antti shares the news that ...
Almost Human's Petri Häkkinen ratchets up the technical talk by posting a new "making of" blog post to the Legend of Grimr...
Sticking with the recent "making of" theme they've been going with on the Legend of Grimrock blog, Almost Human's Antti takes...
The folks at Almost Human have put online a blog post that describes some of the "tricks" used to make the images contained i...
In addition to bringing word that Legend of Grimrock is now available on GamersGate, this new development update on the offic...
Almost Human's Antti has treated us to a nearly nine-minute "sneak peek" of the dungeon editor they're preparing for Legend o...
After a long hiatus, the Almost Human crew is back with a new blog entry that outlines the new development equipment they've ...
In case you're interested in reading one more critique of Almost Human Games' Legend of Grimrock, Player Affinity is offering...
SplitKick is offering a brief interview with Legend of Grimrock developers Almost Human Games on their successful indie first...
One of the editors over at Medium Difficulty has penned an interesting analysis of Legend of Grimrock, in which he points out...
This new interview with managing director Guillaume Rambourg on Forbes not only fills us in on the company's plans fo...
Spiderweb Software's Jeff Vogel has taken some time aside from his development work to pen a blog entry on the concept of des...
In addition to keeping us updated on the progress of Legend of Grimrock's dungeon editor via this brief post and an ongoing f...
In a brief blog development update that went out yesterday, the Almost Human team updates us on the level editor's ongoing de...
For the 146th episode of Matt Chat, Matt Barton has a video review of Almost Human's indie Eye of the Beholder-inspired dunge...
In this week's update to the Legend of Grimrock blog, Almost Human's Antti Tiihonen talks a bit about what the team has been ...
Almost Human co-founder Juho Salila took some time out of his day to chat with Gamasutra about the amazing success Legend of ...
Almost Human's debut title, the indie first-person dungeon crawler Legend of Grimrock has garnered very positive reviews so f...
In the event that you're one of the few who hasn't yet played Almost Human's dungeon crawler Legend of Grimrock, you can get ...
As promised, the team at Almost Human has released a v1.1.4 patch for Legend of Grimrock that adds quicksaving and quickloadi...
We have rounded up yet another fistful of reviews for Almost Human's first title, the indie first-person real-time dungeon cr...
I don't normally post this sort of information as news, but I figured that there are a lot of people out there who (like us) ...
In their launch week update, the team at Almost Human outlines their plans to release a v1.1.4 patch for Legend of Grimrock s...
We have rounded up another small batch of mostly positive reviews for Almost Human's first title, the first-person Eye of the...
I suspect a lot of you have been entranced with Almost Human's Legend of Grimrock for the past 35 hours or so, but if you hap...
In a few short hours, Almost Human's Legend of Grimrock will be released unto the world. And because we're so enthralled by ...
We have another handful of reviews for the indie first-person dungeon crawler Legend of Grimrock, which seem to confirm the i...
We have rounded up a few more reviews for Almost Human's indie first-person dungeon crawler Legend of Grimrock, which keep in...
It's time to chalk up another impressive review score for Almost Human's Legend of Grimrock, and this time it comes to us by ...
In this week's development update, the Legend of Grimrock team rounds up a few of the game's early reviews before revealing t...
The first online reviews for Almost Human Games' indie, old-school, first-person dungeon crawler Legend of Grimrock are in, a...
Almost Human's modernized take on the classic dungeon crawler won't be released for another week, but we have a full review o...
We're barely into 2012, and already RPG fans have had quite a bit of good news. Path of Exile, The Age of Decadence, Mass Ef...
It's absolutely amazing to me how much Almost Human has accomplished with Legend of Grimrock in less than a year, and I think...
While Game Informer is billing this short piece as a full-on preview, the measly four paragraphs found within doesn't go very...
I'm not sure if they were given an early pass or if this is just a case of someone jumping the embargo (that we ourselves are...
We're diligently working on our own assortment of content for Almost Human's Legend of Grimrock, but in the meantime I'll hap...
To kick off their pre-order campaign for Legend of Grimrock, the team at Almost Human has delivered a new minute-and-a-half p...
As we learned in GameSpot's interview, CD Projekt has rebranded their Good Old Games digital download service as simply GOG.c...
The announcement we've been waiting for has hit the official Legend of Grimrock website - the ambitious party-based dungeon c...
The team over at Almost Human continues to hit us with good news, as the latest development update for Legend of Grimrock rev...
In this week's development update to the official Legend of Grimrock website, the team shares the exciting announcement that ...
The official Legend of Grimrock website brings the fantastic news that our dungeon-crawling adventures will begin in April, a...
To showcase even more tweaks they've made to the UI, the team at Almost Human has released a single new screenshot as part of...
This week's update to the official Legend of Grimrock website reveals some of the tweaking the team has been doing after sift...
With Legend of Grimrock inching closer to its as-of-yet unannounced release date, the team at Almost Human wants to make sure...
For this week's update to the official Legend of Grimrock website, the team at Almost Human has brought in the game's compose...
Inspired by the amazing story highlighted in this popular thread on Reddit, Joystiq caught up with Almost Human's Juho Salila...
If you enjoy taking in any shred of Legend of Grimrock information as much as I do, then you'll want to pay a visit to zConne...
This week, the team at Almost Human brings us up to speed on the combat difficulty slider they've implemented and the additio...
Another development update has been posted to the official Legend of Grimrock website, during which Antti Tiihonen discusses ...
Welcome to the first in what we hope will be many "Rolling Independent" interviews that we publish here on GameBanshee. The p...
Welcome to the first in what we hope will be many "Rolling Independent" interviews that we publish here on GameBanshee. The ...
The folks at Almost Human have been making the promised tweaks to Legend of Grimrock's GUI, as outlined by their new developm...
We're apparently not the only ones keeping a watchful eye on Almost Human's Legend of Grimrock, as GameSpy has kicked out one...
The team at Almost Human is back to work in the new year, and that means we have a new development update for Legend of Grimr...
Rather than give us a general overview of the development progress they've made on Legend of Grimrock this week, Almost Human...
The guys over at Almost Human have kicked up four new sets of undead renders from their forthcoming dungeon crawler Legend of...
This week's development update to the official Legend of Grimrock website provides us with yet another list of the elements t...
Almost Human Games brings word that their ambitious first-person dungeon crawler, Legend of Grimrock, has officially reached ...
GameSpy has put together a list of five upcoming indie games to watch for, and among them there is Legend of Grimrock, the fi...
It's time for another development update for Almost Human's Legend of Grimrock, which clues us in on some more of the dungeon...
There's a new intro-teasing development update up on the official Legend of Grimrock website, though in addition to pointing ...
Today's development update on the official Legend of Grimrock website announces that the first-person dungeon crawler has rea...
There isn't a new screenshot to be had this week, but that doesn't mean we didn't get a weekly development update on the offi...
Another development update has hit the official Legend of Grimrock website, and in it we learn about additional levels, spell...
The latest update for the upcoming indie real-time first person dungeon crawler Legend of Grimrock has the team explaining it...
It's time for another development update for the impressive-looking indie Legend of Grimrock, with this latest window into th...
Accompanying a single new screenshot from Almost Human's impressive-looking dungeon crawler Legend of Grimrock is a developme...
Since last time we checked the folks at Almost Human Games have released a few more updates on the official Legend of Grimroc...
Using the iOS dungeon crawler Undercroft as an example, Games Brief's Nicholas Lovell editorializes on Gamasutra on whether i...
After teaching us how to build a dungeon, the Legend of Grimrock team over at Almost Human brings us "a view of the towering ...
The folks at Almost Human Games put together a two-part article on their blog titled "building the dungeon" (part one and par...
While the label "preview" might be a bit of a stretch considering this isn't coming from any kind of publication, it's worth ...
Tracking down secret doors, equipping items, using keys, and battling monsters with melee, ranged, and magic-based attacks ar...
There's quite a bit of new information to bring you for Almost Human's Legend of Grimrock today, including a new piece of con...
Since the last time we checked, Legend of Grimrock's team has been working hard on the indie first person dungeon crawler, an...
It's surprising to me that Almost Human's Legend of Grimrock hasn't shown up on our radar prior to today, as the indie dungeo...