

Location: Omentor Temple

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  • Bruiser the Blacksmith
  • Daedrotha
  • Deathbringers
  • Goblin Archers
  • Scrylexus

Notable Loot

  • Secret Areas (#15, #30)


1 - Trapped Chamber

The "checkerboard" here is full of traps. If you're not any good at the Skullduggery skill, then you might be better off running through the fire squares. Just remember to take your boots and leggings off first.

2 - Powder Kegs

When you approach the two Powder Kegs here, a Fused Powder Keg will appear in between them and blow them up -- and you, too, unless you vacate the area.

3 - Scrylexus

At this spot you'll encounter Scrylexus.

4 - Daedrotha

At this spot you'll encounter Daedrotha.

5 - Machine

When you place the Titanium Gear Widget (from the Wrecked Ship, Level 2) into the machine here, the gate to the west (#6) will open, and you'll earn 1000 xp.

6 - Gate

You'll only be able to open this gate by fixing the machine to the east (#5).

7 - Chest

Inside this chest you'll find a Jade Key, which will unlock a nearby lever (#9).

8 - Gate

To open this gate, you'll need to unlock and use the lever to the west (#9).

9 - Lever

To use this lever, you'll either need to pick its rank 8 lock, or you'll need to use the Jade Key (#7) on it. The lever will open and close the gate to the east (#8).

10 - Lever

Using this lever will toggle the four gates to the west (#11).

11 - Gates

You can toggle these four gates here by using the lever to the east (#10).

12 - Gate

To open this gate, you'll need to take the Cheap Glass Crystal from the nearby pedestal (#13) and place it in the "feed me" chest to the west (#14). Of course, when you do that, four Cursed Undead will appear and attack you.

13 - Pedestal

14 - Feed Me Chest

15 - Secret Area

To reach this secret area, you'll need to go theough the secret door next to the "feed me" chest to the southeast (#14). Inside the secret area you'll find a random chest.

16 - Machine

When you place the Chromium Spring Widget (from the Moonrise Underground) into the machine here, the gate to the east (#17) will open, and you'll earn 2000 xp.

17 - Gate

To open this gate, you'll need to fix the machine to the west (#16).

18 - Blocked Gate

To pass through this gate, you'll either need to bash or blow up the barrel blocking the way. Conveniently, you'll find a Powder Keg nearby.

19 - Deathbringer Room

In this room you'll discover a locked lever and a chest -- and four Deathbringers in cages. If you open the chest, then you'll find a Strange Key, which will unlock the lever. Pulling the lever will release the four Deathbringers. If you have trouble with the ensuing battle, then you might want to run into one of the vacated cages, so you only have to fight the Deathbringers one at a time. One (or more) of the Deathbringers will drop a Heavy Key when it dies, and this key will unlock the exit door (#20).

20 - Locked Door

To open this door, you'll either need to pick its rank 9 lock, or you'll need to fight the Deathbringers (#19) for the key.

21 - Chest

Inside this chest you'll find around 25 gp.

22 - Lever

Pulling this lever will open a gate to the south (#25).

23 - Smithy

At the smithy you'll encounter Bruiser the Blacksmith, a tough melee fighter who has 350 hit points. He can't see in the dark, so that's the easiest way to deal with him. In the back of the smithy you'll find three chests with Copper Long Swords and Copper Short Swords inside.

24 - Chests

In one of these chests you'll find the unique sword Maledge. In the other you'll find a Bar of Mithril.

25 - Gate

To open this gate, you'll need to pull a lever to the north (#22).

26 - Treasure Room

You'll have to pick a rank 2 lock to enter this room. Inside you'll find a pair of random chests.

27 - Machine

When you place the Tungsten Bracket Widget (from the Akadai Underworld) into the machine here, the gate to the west (#28) will open, and you'll earn 3000 xp.

28 - Gate

To open this gate, you'll need to fix the machine to the east (#27).

29 - Secret Doors

30 - Secret Area

When you reach this secret area you'll see that it was designed as a safe hiding place, but you won't be able to do anything with it.

31 - Fire Room

If you pull the lever in the front of the room, then you'll create a safe path to the lever in the back of the room. However, when you pull the lever in the back of the room, which will open the gate to the exit machine (#32), you'll also remove the safe path. To escape, you'll either need to shoot the front lever to recreate the safe path, or you'll have to run across the fire squares. For the latter approach, you should remove your boots and leggings, or else they'll take damage when the fire squares burn you.

32 - Machine

You'll need to pull a lever in the back of the fire room (#31) to open the gate to this machine. Then when you place the Platinum Bolt Widget (from the Ruined Castle Dungeon) into the machine, the gate to the east (#33) will open, and you'll earn 4000 xp.

33 - Gate

To open this gate, you'll need to fix the machine to the west (#32).

Local Exits
  1. Exit to the Valley of the Wanderer.
  2. Exit to the Western Astral Range.