This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
For some reason, when i use Hircines ring in Vvardenfell or even Mournhould, i get stuck as a werewolf. I rest for my 7 hours, and i stay in werewolf...
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Well it's not a universal bug... I had it fine. :confused: Have you tried waiting for longer? Try waiting for 24 hours, and then 1 more.
I was just wondering how many of you guys actually use the boots of blinding speed. Me, i only use them if there is a long trek ahead of me. Or if i...
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As a Redguard, I learned to like these things just as soon as I found that certain Cuirass. Coupled w/Goldbrand, if I couldn't defeat it, at least I...
I was wondering if there are any other people that train your conjuration skill other than people in the mages guild. I got expelled. I cant get back...
I have been playing for quite a while. I can max out all my weopon skills easilly and as well my armor skills. There just has been one thing I have...
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try it and find out :P
My Morrowind disc was damaged recently. I've been trying to find a new one, but all of the shops here seem to have ran out of...
i love collecting items to put on display in my house so far i counted 603 items on display both tables shelf and on the question is that i...
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1202 items on display and still no stupid lootbag.i got swords,shields,arrows,rings,amulets,potions,ashstatues,rawebony,helmets etc all over the...
;\ just got this game like 2 days ago and i have full ebony armour and daderic claymore but..i would like to have the hopesfire its better i think :)...
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Tribunal is an expansion which is also included in the GOTY edition, you need to complete the main quest from mournhold.
Back in the day, I never considered downloading GIANTS because I was always under the impression that it was a package of ûber creatures for noobs...
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I downloaded it from the site you suggested, Fable and I think it's working now. All I have to do now is go find some apostates, gorgos and automaton...
okay, i just gave the puzzle box to hasphat and i got orders to go to sharn the orc to make her tell me about the nevarine. I know im supposed to get...
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okay, i just gave the puzzle box to hasphat and i got orders to go to sharn the orc to make her tell me about the nevarine. I know im supposed to get...
812 items on display and still no loot bag.i play on xbox so i,m going to see how many items i can put on display before i get the nerano...
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Closing this thread. Since it's really a reply to another thread, please post your comments in there. We only need one.
I've played morrowind for a bit now, created several different characters and in the spirit of going outside my comfort zone I've decided to go for...
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Regarding items:Lifeshell seems to have pretty much covered it. I would only suggest maybe an article of exquisite clothing enchanted with CE, dispel...
Ok, I've gotten Ahnassi's key to her house, and now she's not there, and she's not in the tavern either. Does anyone know the console command to put...
OK, first off, I have been playing Elderscrolls for quite sometime now, so I know how it works. The problem is, I have never been able to beat it. My...
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In my opinion, I would strongly recommend Redguard
-=-Major Skills-=-
Heavy Armor
Long Blade
SpeechCraft (you will probably want...
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