Memories of Ultima
Category: News ArchiveHits: 2194
I remember dwelling lengthily on the Ultima one mainly because it was such a striking image, in a retro fantasy way. What nags after me all these years is. well, linking back to that (presumably). It must have been in a multi-format mag. If it wasn't a multi-format mag, why would they be advertising a non-Spectrum game in a Spectrum mag? But, thinking harder, I don't think there were multiformats. I think they just put it in. They put it in to tease us.Maybe if we keep bringing up Ultima, EA will finally green light a reboot of the series. Just maybe.
Really, there was nothing in the advert. This was pre-Bard's Tale for me, so it just promised some engimatic fantasy world, which I'd never play. The thing with being a Spec-chum was that, in terms of actual mainstream RPGs as we'd understand them, there really was very little there. In other words, while I played lots of pen and paper RPGs, I had no idea what Ultima would actually play with. It was just this promise of another world another world it was unlikely I'd ever visit.