This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
I was wandering outside one of these two towns being Gnarmak or Gniss but I cant remeber. I found this weird cave that you cant get back to the door...
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IIRC the blade is not related to the quest in that cave.
Well i dont remember anymore where to find that telvanni mouth.. Well ''players'' mouth... My little sister needs some help.. but i havent been able...
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He was somewhere in balmora. His house had different name than fast-eddies name and it was located somewhere in the edge of the city (iirc somewhere...
i got azura star but i wonder if is possible to get the moon also.
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Try searching the forums here for anything referring to moon , fly or april fool's . There was an april fools-thread in here last year where some guy...
which enemie has the most value in a soul gem so far i got a golden saint a ascended sleeper and a dwermer all worth 80,000 in a gran soul gem thats...
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does killing Vivec like stuff up the thread or watever of the game, cause that sometimes happens when u kill certain people, it happens if u kill...
I've seen some mods that increase the difficulty of the game, but alot of them add other monsters and faction and stuff. I'm just curious if you guys...
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Ever thought of *thinking* differently? ;) :D
Well, what is the easiest way of making the enemies more challenging? Weakening oneself...
Is it possible to learn summon golden saint spell or it is only possible to cast it from scrolls?Because i know that to make a constant effect on an...
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You guys all seemed to forget about the summon golden saint, so I'll answer that for ya. There is indeed a summon spell, which can be found on...
The Black Hands dagger
Daedric dagger bade 9-20 damage
Absorb 10-25 health for !!30!! seconds on strike
Blind target 10-50% for 30 second on strike...
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The shrine is in the underworks of one of vivec's cantons (I think either st olms or st deyln, but I'm not sure). It's probably the most FUBAR quest...
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