

Vault Residence - Level Three
Did we miss anything in this location? Is there something we didn't discover? Let us know!


Your first concern on level three is that there is no power to the doors. Head east, looking for lockers to open and boxes to bash, of course, until you come to a dead end at a save point. You'll have to head north at this point.


You'll eventually get to a large room with a computer console. Using the console turns the power back on. Make sure you loot the room to the north to get an assault rifle. Heading back the way you came, you'll find there are some unpleasant side effects to having the power back on. First, some of the security robots are now active. Second, some of the rooms you were able to breeze through earlier have active security lasers.


When you hit the save point where the hall going east dead ends, don't bother going south if you are playing a one-player game. The door can only be opened by two players hitting the two switches simultaneously. If you're able to get inside, you're treated to a nice pile of caps and other loot.


In order get past one set of lasers that's keeping you from proceeding, you'll have to go back to the area that you started from. The room that has an exclamation point on your mini-map contains a machine that allows you to control one of those small robots you saw on level one. You have to drive him east to the dead end, then north. When you get to the room with the lasers, take the fork to the left, then head toward the exclamation point on your mini-map. When you get to the computer, throw the switch. This disables the security lasers.


Head to the rooms that the robot went through and take care of the Mutants within. The room to the west of the computer room (the one with the save point) leads to a room with a switch at the north. This will lower the commander's chair in the big room to the east.


Throw the switch on the commander's chair to unlock the door to the Residence Hub.