

Vault Warehouse Basement
Did we miss anything in this location? Is there something we didn't discover? Let us know!


When you enter this level, you'll find a Mutant smashing a generator. He'll succeed right before you take him out.


Be careful in the next rooms because some of the things that look like rocks are actually mines. Eventually, you'll reach a save point. Don't miss the chance to loot the side rooms before you get there, though.


The next room is also heavily mined. There are Mutants waiting in ambush here, too. There is some stuff to loot, but the exit is to the north.


As you work your way north, you'll eventually run into a big spider guarding a save point. It's not as big as the mother Radscorpions, though.


Eventually, your passage north dead ends at the elevator. You'll have to power it up to use it. Head west first though where you can get some loot, from boxes and from Shop-Tec, a weapon vending machine. You can pick up some Tesla armor here, a continuous-fire laser, and a super sledgehammer. When you've made your purchases, head to the rooms to the east.


Working your way east, you'll find another generator and this time you can power it up.


Take the elevator down to the sub-basement.