I have read the forum, and searched it for anything that could help, but i can't find anything.
I found issues that were like my problem, but not the...
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I've installed, copied, etc.... everyting, so..... finally, when i played, IT WORKED!!!!!
Thanks for the help, i'll put your name in my...
So, I've installed the 3rd patch now, in the middle of my current game. Just yesterday, I got my party down to the 4th level. Midway down the main...
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Even after fighting Hedrack, my wizard was only 8th level, so Dimension Door was the way to go, until I finally got her up to 9th. This game started...
So - just picked up this game in the bargain bin very cheaply, and decided to give it a go seeing as I've got little else to play at the moment :)...
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Good to know.
It's generally best to avoid the downloadable version, which is pretty unstable. You may experience further problems down the line. Be...
Does antone know how to use the Rope of Entaglement? This is potentially a VERY useful item, but I can't figure out how to use it in combat? I tried...
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Lord Plothos shows his usefulness as a ToEE mod even more. :cool:
Like he said, it is my job (as well as his) to make sure the rules are enforced....
Besides the Detect spells that seem bugged, are there any other spells that are mostly useless and should not be learned (in reference to the wizard...
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Yeah, ShiningTed (who is often just called Ted ) has created a mod to add to Liv's. Don't know much about it, but many have responded favorably, with...
Starting level 11 (with the Level Cap Remover patch) the magic missiles of my wizard are reset to 1... (annoying!) Is there anyone who can...
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If you patch with patch 2 and then temple.zip (which includes the level uncapper) instead of patch 2 and just the uncapper, then you should not have...
An excellent RPG platform and starting point for a great system of modules. The more I delve into ToEE the more I see hints of some well thought out...
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Other modules 'eh. Sounds intriguing, hope they do so. Mods as in modifications are one thing but new modules ahhh.
I'm just wondering, what happened to the IRONMAN level... this were designed to be the ultimate D&D ver. 3.5 play, but i don't see any revelant info...
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Well, given my posting name, of course I tried this game in Iron Man mode. After sixteen dead parties, I gave up on Iron Man mode so I could actually...
I need to get back the original description of this weapon. Some one may love it but a holy avenger +4 is a little bit over powered. But i have to...
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You can weild fraggy two-handed even without proficiency, and it won't even hurt you, because it always hits. To use it one-handed, you must have the...
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