

Citadel: Docking Bays
Citadel: Docking Bays

Did we miss anything on this map? Is there something we didn't discover? Let us know!

1 - Arrival

After a lengthy ride in the elevator up from the Citadel: Security map, you'll finally reach the area of the station where the Normandy has been docked.

2 - Ambassador Udina and Captain Anderson

Following your induction ceremony into the Spectres, Udina and Anderson will be waiting for you next to the ramp leading up to the Normandy. Udina has big news for you - Captain Anderson is stepping down as commanding officer of the Normandy and the ship is now yours to command. Anderson doesn't seem too excited about the situation, but he wants to see the first human Spectre succeed in taking down Saren.

Udina goes on to outline three different missions for you: "Noveria: Geth Interest", "Feros: Geth Attack", and "Find Liara T'Soni". The first two missions have you investigating Geth activity on Noveria and Feros, while the third mission involves tracking down an Asari scientist named Dr. Liara T'Soni. Liara is the daughter of Matriarch Benezia, so Udina thinks that it's possible that should could either be involved or, at the very least, might be able to help you track down her mother and Saren. The only thing he knows for sure is that Liara's last known location was at an archeological dig site on one of the uncharted worlds in the Artemis Tau cluster.

Once you understand what must be done, end the conversation to receive Paragon or Renegade points (depending on your answers), and then chat with Captain Anderson again once Udina leaves. Learn everything you can about Noveria, Feros, and the Artemis Tau Cluster, then move on to quiz him about Armistan Banes (if you don't have this dialgoue option, then you'll have to finish the "Citadel: Doctor Michel" assignment first). Anderson claims that Banes was found dead on a drifting scout ship, but the Alliance Military is keeping it under wraps. Admiral Kahoku was the one who actually found Banes' body, so Anderson recommends that you speak to him up in the Citadel: Tower map if you want to know more.

When you're finished exploring all dialogue options with both Ambassador Udina and Captain Anderson, you should have received both the Batarians and Uncharted Worlds codex entries.

3 - Keeper #21

Hard at work doing, well, something at the end of these docking bays is the final Keeper that you need to scan for Chorban or Jahleed's "Citadel: Scan the Keepers" assignment. Scan away to receive a "Data collection complete!" message. In addition to your standard experience and credit reward, you get an even greater infusion of experience and credits for scanning all twenty-one Keepers.

4 - Normandy Weapons

Once the Normandy is under your command, you can inspect its weaponry here to unlock the Mass Accelerators codex entry.

5 - Normandy Hull

Once the Normandy is under your command, you can inspect its hull here to unlock the Weapons: Ablative Armor codex entry.

6 - Normandy Thrusters

Once the Normandy is under your command, you can inspect its thrusters here to unlock the Starships: Thrusters codex entry.




The Citadel


Liara's Dig Site












Uncharted Planets/Ships