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Sharjila is located in the Macedon system of the Artemis Tau cluster. The stronghold located on this planet is directly involved with the "UNC: Asari Diplomacy" assignment.

1 - Arrival

The dangerous amount of pressure on this planet makes it a Level 1 Hazard, so be quick about any excursions you make outside the Mako.

2 - Crashed Probe

Salvage what's left of this space probe to add some more upgrades to your inventory.

3 - Pirate Stronghold

This stronghold is heavily defended by Pirates and Pirate Snipers stationed around its perimeter. Drive around the building laying waste to everything with the Mako's cannon, then head inside the stronghold to contend with another group of Pirates and Pirate Snipers.

When the building is clear of all hostiles, you can loot an Upgrade Kit, a Medical Kit, a Medical Station, and three crates on the ground floor. Next, move up to the second floor to continue your looting spree with a Malfunctioning Object, a hardened storage locker, and a hardened wall safe all awaiting your grubby hands.

Finally, investigate the desk on the second floor to discover evidence that the Asari leading these pirates is Nassana Dantius' sister, Dahlia. When you get a chance, you should report this information back to Nassana at the Citadel to complete the "UNC: Asari Diplomacy" assignment.

4 - Thorium Deposit

Survey this Thorium deposit to get one step closer to finishing the "Rare Earths" section of the "UNC: Valuable Minerals" assignment and to earn a reasonable amount of experience and credits.

5 - Small Camp

This small, deserted camp is home to a lootable crate and an Asari capsule. The capsule contains the writings of Matriarch Dilinaga, which you'll want to grab for the "UNC: Asari Writings" assignment.

6 - Uranium Deposit

Survey this Uranium deposit to get one step closer to finishing the "Rare Earths" section of the "UNC: Valuable Minerals" assignment and to earn a reasonable amount of experience and credits.

7 - Magnesium Deposit

Survey this Magnesium deposit to get one step closer to finishing the "Light Metals" section of the "UNC: Valuable Minerals" assignment and to earn a reasonable amount of experience and credits.




The Citadel


Liara's Dig Site












Uncharted Planets/Ships