

Beast Master (Ranger Kit)
This ranger is a wanderer and is not comfortable in civilised lands. He maintains a natural affinity for animals; they are his friends and comrades-in-arms, and the Beast Master has a limited form of telepathic communication with them.

Available Race(s): Human, Half-Elf, Elf

Primary Attribute(s): Strength (13 Minimum), Dexterity (13 Minimum), Constitution (14 Minimum), Wisdom (14 Minimum)

Stronghold: The Beast Master can acquire a cabin in the Umar Hills as his stronghold. See our Ranger Quests section for more information.


- +15% Stealth

- Can cast Druid spells (at 8th level: 4th level Animal Summoning, at 10th level: Animal Summoning II, at 12th level: Animal Summoning III)

- Weapon Specialization (++)

- Racial Enemy (+4 to hit)

- Stealth, Charm Person, Charm Mammal

- Spell casting starts at level 8 with level 1 Priest spells


- Cannot use metal weapons, such as Swords, Halberds, Hammers, or Morning Stars

- Must maintain Good alignment

- If party reputation drops below 4, becomes a Fallen Ranger, loses all Ranger abilities, and is the equivelant of a Fighter (cannot regain Ranger status)

Possible High-Level Abilities [ToB]

Critical Strike
Greater Deathblow
Greater Whirlwind Attack
Power Attack
Resist Magic
War Cry
Whirlwind Attack