Lathander is the good god of renewal, creativity and youth, and is celebrated nearly everywhere. His followers are very popular throughout the Realms and there are numerous wealthy temples devoted to Him.
Available Race(s): Human, Elf, Half-Elf, Gnome, Halfling, Dwarf, Half-Orc
Primary Attribute(s): Wisdom (9 Minimum)
Stronghold: The Priest of Lathander can join the church of Lathander in the Temple District. See our
p=Priest Quests section for more information.
- Spell casting
- Can wear any type of armor
- Can cast Hold Undead once a day per 5 levels
- Can cast Boon of Lathander once a day per 10 levels
- Can only use blunt weapons
- Can only get one proficiency (+) per weapon
- Can only be of lawful good, neutral good, or chaotic good alignment
Possible High-Level Abilities [ToB]
Aura of Flaming Death
Earth Elemental Transformation
Elemental Summoning
Energy Blades
Fire Elemental Transformation
Globe of Blades
Mass Raise Dead
Storm of Vengeance
Summon Deva
Summon Fallen Deva