My friend just bought himself a copy of Diablo 2 and the expansion and he is fully update and open keeps on telling him that his cd-key is...
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Blizzard has a special replacement key policy where if you send the originaly CD case with the CD key sticker attached they'll replace the key with a...
I haven't installed Diablo 2 for a long time since my current computer refuses to let my play it properly :( but either way soon I plan to get a new...
What is the best place to hunt in hell difficulty for items
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What is the hellfire torch?? :eek: After years of gameplay and being one of the highest ladder characters I have never heard of nor encountered this...
Help , I keep reading about the secret cow level , How do i get there ? Is it available in single player mode? Are there any special requirements or...
First off, I'd like to thank Dottie and Noober for the guide + build info. The character is developing nicely.
My question pertains to the STR/DEX...
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Joe, if you are still on Normal, I would recommend you to focus on one character for a while, and take that character to Hell difficulty. The reason...
Guys - are all Merc's created equal ; so to speak ?. It seems many builds like the Act 2 Defense Merc. I'm guessung the Holy Freeze/Decrepify is big...
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You play on single player not right?
Hammerdins are always fun although annoying unless you have FCR gear (faster cast rate), also...
Guys - about what % do you keep your characters magic finding ? ... I have my Barbarian at 60% with good armor, but could go to 88% with average...
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LonelyPilgrim - thanks. I've been having a hard time finding good yellow/gold weapons. The blue weapons being sold are better than the yellow ones I...
Guys - first of all; thanks for setting me straight :-) ... much easier and more fun being a human weed-whacker ... I read the Frenzy outline and he...
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Guys - first of all; thanks for setting me straight :-) ... much easier and more fun being a human weed-whacker ... I read the Frenzy outline and he...
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