Perhaps the most despised enemy in System Shock 2, the Annelid Arachnid is a pervasive, phobia-inducing spider that you'll come to loathe as you explore the Von Braun and the Rickenbacker. The Adult versions are the ones you'll see most frequently in the game, and they are significantly tougher than the Infant versions you first come across, with about five times as many Hit Points. The Adult Arachnids will begin showing up around Operations, though they'll be mostly obsolete by around the time you reach the Rickenbacker.
Annelid Arachnids come in three forms: Infant, Adult and Invisible. To see details on the other two kinds, please check their respective pages.
Attributes: High Hit Points, high damage (Toxic), medium attack speed, fast movement speed
Weaknesses: Anti-personnel ammo, incendiary damage
Common Loot: Arachnid Organ
Strategy: You'll be fighting a lot of Annelid Arachnids in System Shock 2, whether you like it or not. Though you'll have cut your teeth on the Infant versions on Hydroponics, the Adult spiders are much tougher, do much more Toxic damage, and you will find them roaming the Von Braun in much greater frequency. In addition, they're quite fond of ambushing you, especially on Operations deck. Although the Wrench or Crystal Shard may still be your best bet, nobody will begrudge you for spending a couple of Anti-Personnel Bullets on the Adult Arachnids. Suffice is to say, be vigilant around these enemies, and always have an Anti-Toxin Hypo ready.