
The lowly Security Camera is one of the first "enemies" you'll encounter on the Von Braun. These annoyances don't attack you, but instead they try the ship's alarm and issue a security alert if you stay within their line of sight for too long. They tend to be placed in unavoidable places, like the ends of long hallways or around corners, and your best bet is to simply destroy them as soon as you see them rather than risk being caught.
Attributes: Very low Hit Points, stationary
Weaknesses: N/A
Common Loot: N/A
Strategy: Early on, the Security Camera is less of an annoyance and more of a threat, as you explore the surroundings and get to know the game and its quirks. Setting off an alarm is bad business most of the time, and to a new player it can be deadly. Later on, when you're more accustomed to the game, Security Cameras fall under the "waste of ammo" category of enemy, as they have no loot to provide. A single bullet or strike from any weapon will destroy a Security Camera, however, so they aren't too much of a drain in the scheme of things. Remember that alarms can be switched off by visiting any Security Control Station aboard the Von Braun or Rickenbacker, and hacking one will cause a blackout of all security on the level, including Security Cameras.