
Red Monkeys are the product of genetic engineering and experimentation by the Von Braun's scientists, augmented by the presence of Annelid parasites. Their latent psionic abilities have been brought to fruition both by the experiments performeed on them and by the Many's influence. Nearly identical to their regular counterparts, Red Monkeys are mainly differentiated by their Pyrokinesis attack, which does more damage and has a larger range. Red Monkeys tend to appear around Operations, and will entirely replace regular Monkeys by Recreation, appearing up until Command Deck.
Attributes: Low Hit Points, high damage, low attack speed, medium movement speed
Weaknesses: Anti-Personnel Bullets and Shells, incendiary damage
Common Loot: Monkey Brain, Chips
Strategy: Although Red Monkeys aren't that much different on the surface compared to regular Monkeys, their significantly more potent psionic abilities mean that they can do a huge amount of damage if you're not careful. A stray Pyrokinesis has enough splash damage that it can ruin your day even if you dodge it. While the strategy involved in dealing with Red Monkeys is mostly unchanged, with melee engagement preferable, it's worth using an extra degree of caution when around them in the later stages of the game.