All life starts out in the womb, and for the Many, that manifests as egg pods used to breed their young. Toxic Pods, however, serve to protect Grub Pods, or perhaps represent Grubs in early development, as they release deadly toxic gases when approached. Toxic Pods are infrequently seen throughout the game, appearing first on Hydroponics.
Grub Pods and Swarm Pods are related enemies; please see their respective pages for more details.
Attributes: Low Hit Points, medium toxic damage
Weaknesses: Anti-Personnel Bullets and Shells, incendiary damage
Common Loot: Annelid Healing Gland, and Annelid Psi Organ (when searched)
Strategy: Toxic Pods are basically traps designed to ward off digging through Pods for Healing Glands and Psi Organs, as their toxins are only released on close contact. If you want to risk setting them off for the chance of finding something inside, then by all means try to loot them, but don't be surprised if you get a mouthful of toxins trying. While their direct threat is pretty low, the cost to you in terms of Anti-Toxin Hypos may not be worth dealing with if you don't care about collecting the Toxic Pods' contents.