Turrets are a common sight around the Von Braun and the Rickenbacker. Put in place for defense, the re-wiring of the ship's circuits by Xerxes has caused them to go against their "to serve and protect" mantra, instead opening fire on passers-by as they get near with their light machine guns. Laser Turrets are nicely upgraded versions of the regular old Turret, equipped with a powerful laser burst that does high damage. You'll begin finding them around Operations, where they become standard for much of the game.
Three other variants of Turret exist, the Turret, Missile Turret and Rickenbacker Turret. Please see their respective pages for more details.
Attributes: Medium Hit Points, medium damage, fast attack speed, stationary
Weaknesses: Armour-piercing ammo, EMP damage, hacking
Common Loot: Portable Battery
Strategy: Laser Turrets are the next step up from regular Turrets, reflected in their higher damage output and accuracy. However, provided you can get behind cover fast enough, they aren't too much trouble to deal with. By the point in the game you find them, you'll have enough armor-piercing ammo to spend on them, and of course, hacking is also a great option if you can get close to them.