Political Vision Tasks Introduction
When you go to bed at the end of Day 3, you'll be contacted by your Ancient Reptilian Brain and your Limbic System, and they'll allow you to pick out a political vision task. Your options will depend on the political views you've espoused during the first three days. You'll get at most four choices, as summarized in the table below. You'll only get to do one of the tasks, so you might want to save before going to sleep so you can try out all four. You can also "forget politics" and skip the tasks.
When you wake up on Day 4, you should have a thought orb above your head. Clicking on it will allow you to accept your political vision task.
Note: If you arrested or evicted the ravers next to the
Dolorian Church of Humanity, then you won't be able to complete the task
Take on *La Responsibilite*. If you already met the mega-rich light-bending guy in the harbor, then you might not be able to complete the task
Become a Man of Plenty.