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Tasks: The Smoker on the Balcony / Interview the Sunday Friend

Did we miss anything in this task? Is there something we didn't discover? Let us know!


When you approach the eastern entrance to the Capeside Apartments (#1), you'll meet the smoker on the balcony (#2). When you question him, he'll claim that he didn't see anything on the night of the murder because he had a "Sunday friend" over. Then he'll clam up and leave. This conversation will trigger the task The Smoker on the Balcony.

Walkthrough: The Smoker on the Balcony

To track down the smoker, you'll need to talk to the cleaning lady inside the apartment building (see the Capeside Apartments location page for information about how to get inside). The cleaning lady will tell you that the smoker is staying in apartment #28 (#3). However, when you knock on the door to that apartment, nobody will answer, and Kim will suggest that you return the next night after 21:00. You can actually return on any subsequent night after 21:00. You'll find the smoker loitering just outside his apartment.

When you talk to the smoker, he'll tell you that his Sunday friend is over, and that you're welcome to talk to him. Then he'll leave again, but he'll start showing up each day in the cafeteria of the Whirling-in-Rags. If you talk to him there, and if you pass a Composure check, then you'll unlock the thought Homo-Sexual Underground.

Talking to the smoker will complete the task and earn you 70 xp, and also trigger the task Interview the Sunday Friend.

Walkthrough: Interview the Sunday Friend

You'll meet the Sunday friend inside apartment #28 (#3). He'll introduce himself as Charles Villedrouin, an official with the Coalition Government. He'll inform you that he witnessed the hanging, and he'll reveal some things of interest: that the victim appeared to be unconscious, that there were "maybe eight" killers, that the killers were "very Martinaise," and that the lynching was "oddly quiet." Learning this will earn you 10 xp and complete the task. If instead of listening to Villedrouin you accuse him of the murder, then he'll stop talking to you, and you won't learn anything from him. You'll also fail the task and not earn any xp.

Note: After completing the task, Villedrouin will disappear from the game, and you won't be allowed back into the apartment. So be sure to examine everything, loot everything, and ask everything before you leave.

1 - Eastern Entrance

2 - Smoker on the Balcony

3 - Apartment #28




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