Selected Perks:
And Stay Back (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: Level 10, Guns 70
You've discovered a Shotgun technique that has a chance to knock an enemy back.
Heavyweight (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: Level 12, STR 7
Have you been working out? Weapons heavier than 10 lbs. now weigh half as much for you.
(Modified weapons that drop below 10 lbs. will not gain this benefit.)
Hobbler (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: Level 12, PER 7
With the Hobbler perk, your chance to hit an opponent's legs in V.A.T.S. is significantly increased.
In Shining Armor (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: Repair 20, Science 70
Beams reflect off the mirror-like finish of your cleaming armor! You gain an additional +5 DT
against energy weapons while wearing metal armor, +2 while wearing reflective eyewear.
Junk Rounds (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: LCK 6, Repair 45
Survival is the mother of invention! Craft ammo at the Reloading Bench using alternate materials
(Scrap Metal and Tin Cans).
Light Touch (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: AGL 6, Repair 45
Heavy armor just isn't your thing, so you've learned to customize light armor for maximum benefit.
While wearing light armor you gain +5% Critical Hit Chance and your enemies suffer a -25% Critical
Hit Chance.
Old World Gourmet (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: END 6, Survival 45
Thanks to unclean living you've learned the secrets of the lounge lizards! +25% Addiction Resistance.
+50% Health bonus from Snack Foods. Scotch, Vodka and Wine now give you Health in addition to their
normal effects.
Earned Perks:
Coin Operator
You've learned the recipe to make slugs for the Vending Machines out of Scrap Metal and the acid from
Fission Batteries. Craft them at a Workbench and spend them just like Chips!
Gained from Christine after asking her about "those machines around the Villa" and passing Perception
6 and Intelligence 6 checks.
Elijah's Ramblings
Elijah obviously intended this to go to Veronica, but you earned it, right? You've learned Elijah's secret Melee Weapons technique and your critical hits now do 150% more damage.
To gain this perk, you'll need to download the holomessage from the terminal in the Abandoned BoS
Bunker (you'll have to complete the Dead Money DLC first), you'll need to tell Veronica that you
found Elijah (you might have to talk to her about Elijah first), and then you'll need to keep the
message for yourself.
Ghost Hunter
You deal with Ghost People with ruthless efficiency. When you put them down, they stay down.
After traveling with Dog and seeing him eat a ghost, if you ask him about killing ghosts then
he'll teach you this perk.
In My Footsteps
When God is a companion, he grants you increased (+10) Stealth as well as the ability to step lightly
around placed traps.
You will gain this perk after recruiting God as a companion in the Villa police station.
Sierra Madre Martini
You've learned to make a mysterious edible substance at a Camp Fire out of scrap materials (Cloud
Residue, Tin Cans, Junk Food) that provides +75 HP, +4 END, and +2 STR... but watch out, it's also
highly addictive (15% chance to addiction).
You can get Dean Domino to teach you this perk when you ask him about his stashes.
Signal Interference
When Christine is a companion, she grants you a short period of time near a speaker before your
bomb collar starts to activate as well as increasing the amount of time before your bomb collar
deontates by 50%.
You will gain this perk after recruiting Christine as a companion in the Medical District clinic.
Unclean Living
When Dean is a companion, he grants you a short period of time before taking damage inside a toxic
cloud as well as reducing the amount of damage you take inside the toxic cloud by 25%.
You will gain this perk after recruiting Dean as a companion in the Residential District.