Cannibal (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: None
With the Cannibal perk, when you're in Sneak mode, you gain the option to eat a corpse to regain hit points. But every time you feed, you lose Karma, and if the act is witnessed, it is considered a crime against nature.
Our grade: F. There are plenty of food items in the game, so there isn't any need to eat corpses -- even in hardcore mode. This is simply a role-playing perk.
Note: Any NPCs (not including companions) who witness you eating a corpse will attack you.
Comprehension (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: Intelligence 4
With the Comprehension perk, you'll gain double the bonus from reading magazines and one additional point from skill books.
Our grade: A. There are 53 skill books available in the Mojave wasteland, so this perk can give you 53 extra skill points. The magazine bonus is also nice because it means you won't need to take most of the utility skills past 80.
Educated (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: Intelligence 4
With the Educated perk, you gain two more skill ponits every time you advance in level. This perk is best taken early on in order to maximize its effectiveness.
Our grade: A. If you take this perk at level 4, then you'll gain 52 extra skill points over the course of the game. That's about as good as a perk gets.
Entomologist (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: Survival 45, Intelligence 4
With the Entomologist perk, you do an additional 50% damage every time you attack a mutated insect, such as the Radroach, Giant Mantis, or Radscorpion.
Our grade: C. Giant radscorpions are one of the tougher enemies in the game, and you'll encounter mutated insects all over the place, so extra damage against them is useful.
Rad Child (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: Survival 70
You truly are a radiation child. As you go through the increasingly devastating stages of radiation sickness, you will regenerate more and more health.
Our grade: C. This is a powerful perk -- it can regenerate up to 8 hit points every second -- but it comes with serious drawbacks because of the required radiation poisoning, and so it's only for players who don't mind walking a tightrope through the game.
Run 'n Gun (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: Guns 45 or Energy Weapons 45
The Run 'n Gun perk reduces accuracy penalties with one-handed ranged weapons (Guns or Energy Weapons) while walking or running.
Our grade: F. This perk is pretty much worthless. About the only time you'd want to move while shooting is when an enemy is bearing down on you -- but in that case the enemy is likely to be so close that you'd have a tough time missing it, no matter what your accuracy is.
Travel Light (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: Survival 45
While wearing light armor or no armor, you run 10% faster.
Our grade: D. Chances are, you're not going to wear light or no armor for very long in the game, and even if you did, would you want to waste a perk to slightly increase your running speed?