Computer Whiz (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: Science 70, Intelligence 7
Fail a hack attempt and get locked out of a computer? Not if you're a Computer Whiz! With this perk, you can attempt to re-hack any computer you were previously locked out of.
Our grade: F. Unlike the Infiltrator perk, which can save you some time if you really don't like mini-games, this perk is a complete waste. If you're worried about possibly locking up a terminal, then just exit the hacking mini-game after making three guesses, and start over. Even with three random guesses, you'll solve the mini-game about a third of the time, meaning that even without the perk the mini-game shouldn't create much of a time sink for you.
Concentrated Fire (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: Energy Weapons 60, Guns 60
With Concentrated Fire, your accuracy to hit any body part in V.A.T.S. increases slightly with each subsequent hit on that body part.
Our grade: C. With this perk, each successive attack (not hit) on the same body part while in VATS will increase your accuracy by 5% (up to a maximum of 95%). So this perk can be useful, but only if you need the accuracy, and only if your weapon will fire several times during VATS (that is, if you're using a pistol or some other low-AP weapon). We'd recommend using the Sniper perk instead.
Infiltrator (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: Lockpick 70, Perception 7
With Infiltrator, if a lock is broken and can't normally be picked again, you can attempt to pick it one more time. This includes locks previously broken by a "Force Lock" attempt.
Our grade: D. The only way to break a lock is to force it and fail, and so this perk is only useful for the people who don't like the lockpicking mini-game and just want to get through locks as quickly as possible.
Paralyzing Palm (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: Unarmed 70
With Paralyzing Palm, you will sometimes perform a special V.A.T.S. palm strike that paralyzes your opponent for 30 seconds. Note that in order to perform the Paralyzing Palm attack, you must be completely unarmed.
Our grade: A. This perk works with all Unarmed weapons, and it has a 30% chance of triggering for each attack in VATS. That means if you attack five times in VATS, then you'll have an 83% chance of paralyzing your opponent, which is great. All Unarmed characters should take this perk.