Commando (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: None
While using a rifle (or similar two-handed weapon), your accuracy in V.A.T.S. is significantly increased.
Our grade: C. This perk adds 25% accuracy when using rifles in VATS. This is useful, but if you're only going to take one accuracy perk (which is about all you should need), then Sniper is better.
Cowboy (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: Guns 45, Melee Weapons 45
You do 25% more damage when using any revolver, lever-action firearm, dynamite, knife, or hatchet, pard'ner.
Our grade: C. Chances are you won't use hatchets, knives, or dynamite, and so it's just a question of how powerful you want to make your shotguns and pistols. We're guessing that most people who specialize in Guns will prefer rifles, making this perk a low priority.
Living Anatomy (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: Medicine 70
Living Anatomy allows you to see the health and Damage Threshold of any target. It also gives you a +5% bonus to damage against humans and non-feral ghouls.
Our grade: C. Humans are pretty easy enemies for most of the game, but then they become much more difficult at the end, making the damage bonus worthwhile. However, this perk is mostly useful for seeing the DTs of enemies and learning why some weapons are more useful than others.
Pack Rat (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: Barter 70, Intelligence 5
You have learned the value of careful packing. Items with a weight of 2 or less weigh half as much for you. Hardcore players, this one's for you.
Our grade: C. This perk can save you considerable weight in your inventory, but there isn't much reason to have a high Barter in the game, and so you're better off taking the Strong Back perk (or just using your companions). This perk is more worthwhile in hardcore mode, where ammunition has weight.
Quick Draw (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: Agility 5
Quick Draw makes all of your weapon equipping and holstering 50% faster.
Our grade: D. Conceivably, you could use this perk as quicker way to load your weapons (since a drawn weapon starts out fully loaded), but otherwise the minor speed benefit from this perk just isn't worthwhile enough to bother.
Rad Resistance (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: Survival 40, Endurance 5
The Rad Resistance perk allows you to - what else? - resist radiation. Your Radiation Resistance will be increased by 25%.
Our grade: D. If you take
Rad-X and wear a radiation suit, then you'll probably hit the radiation resistance cap (85%) even without this perk, making it somewhat useless.
Scrounger (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: Luck 5
With the Scrounger perk, you'll find considerably more ammunition in containers than you normally would.
Our grade: D. Ammunition is pretty cheap and plentiful, and you'll probably have more than enough even without this perk.
Stonewall (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: Strength 6, Endurance 6
You gain +5 Damage Threshold against all melee weapons and unarmed attacks and cannot be knocked down during combat.
Our grade: A. This perk is currently broken. It will give you 5 DT if you're wielding a Melee or Unarmed weapon, rather than if you're being attacked by one, and so it's great for Melee and Unarmed characters. If the perk were working correctly, then it would still be useful -- just not as useful -- because most of the tough enemies in the game (including the end boss) use Melee or Unarmed attacks.
Strong Back (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: Strength 5, Endurance 5
With the Strong Back perk, you can carry 50 more pounds of equipment (or "wasteland loot", if you prefer).
Our grade: C. This is a fairly useful utility perk, especially if you're one of those players who wants to pick up everything or likes to keep a variety of weapons around. But you can also just use the inventories of your companions, or head back to town more often.
Super Slam (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: Melee Weapons 45, Strength 6
All melee weapons (except thrown) and unarmed attacks have a chance of knocking your target down.
Our grade: A. A knocked-over enemy is typically a soon-to-be dead enemy, and so this perk is great for Melee and Unarmed characters.
Terrifying Presence (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: Speech 70
In some conversations, you gain the ability to initiate combat while terrifying a mob of opponents, sending them fleeing away for safety.
Our grade: F. We've never taken this perk, but our understanding is that it will only come up a few times during the campaign, and it won't help you very much.