Fast Metabolism (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: None
With the Fast Metabolism perk, you gain a 20% health bonus when using Stimpaks.
Our grade: D. Or you could just use 20% more
Ghastly Scavenger (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: Cannibal Perk
With Ghastly Scavenger, when you're in Sneak mode, you gain the option to eat a Super Mutant or Feral Ghoul corpse to regain health. Every time you feed, you lose Karma, and if the act is witnessed, it is considered a crime against nature. Bon appetit!
Our grade: F. This perk is even less useful than the Cannibal perk, which we gave an F to, because you'll encounter far fewer super mutants and feral ghouls than humans.
Hit the Deck (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: Explosives 70
Your extensive familiarity with Explosives allows you to ignore a portion of their damage. Your Damage Threshold is increased by 50% against any and all explosives - even your own.
Our grade: A. This perk is broken just like Stonewall. That is, you'll get the DT bonus whenever you're wielding an Explosives weapon rather than when you're being attacked by one. That makes the perk extremely useful for characters who specialize in Explosives. If the perk were working correctly, then it would not be especially useful, because there aren't many explosives-toting enemies in the game.
Life Giver (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: Endurance 6
With the Life Giver perk, you gain an additional 30 hit points.
Our grade: C. This perk is roughly as useful as an extra point of Endurance (with more hit points but no resistances). Unless you're finding that you're dying a lot in the game, there are probably better perks out there for you.
Long Haul (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: Barter 70, Endurance 6
You have learned how to pack mountains of gear for the Long Haul. Being over-encumbered no longer prevents you from using the game's Fast Travel functionality.
Our grade: F. Or you could just fast travel before becoming burdened.
Piercing Strike (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: Unarmed 70
Piercing Strike makes all of your unarmed and melee weapons (including thrown) attacks negate 15 points of Damage Threshold on the target.
Our grade: A. This is absolutely a necessary perk for all Melee and Unarmed characters.
Pyromaniac (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: Explosives 60
With the Pyromaniac perk, you do +50% damage with fire-based weapons, like the Flamer and Shishkebab.
Our grade: C. This is a thoroughly nice perk for five weapons in the game (Flamer, Heavy Incinerator, Incendiary Grenade, Incinerator, and Shishkebab). If those are weapons you use, then by all means take the perk.
Robotics Expert (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: Science 50
With the Robotics Expert perk, you do an additional 25% damage to any robot. But, even better, sneaking up on a hostile robot undetected and activating it will put that robot into a permanent shutdown state.
Our grade: D. There just aren't enough robots in the Mojave wasteland to make this perk worthwhile.
Silent Running (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: Sneak 50, Agility 6
With the Silent Running perk, running no longer factors into a successful sneak attempt.
Our grade: C. This perk prevents NPCs from hearing you if you're sneaking while "running," thus making it easier for you to stay hidden. This perk is only useful for Melee and Unarmed characters. Ranged characters don't need to get close to enemies to score sneak attacks.
Sniper (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: Perception 6, Agility 6
With the Sniper perk, your chance to hit an opponent's head in V.A.T.S. is significantly increased.
Our grade: B. This perk adds 25% to your accuracy when you aim for an enemy's head in VATS. Since you'll normally aim for the head anyway, this perk is pretty useful.
Splash Damage (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: Explosives 70
When you're deep in enemy territory, you just start chucking grenades and hope for the best. All Explosives have a 25% larger area of effect when they detonate.
Our grade: C. More splash damage is good -- except it means you'll probably hit yourself more often. You'd be better off sticking with Demolition Expert.
Unstoppable Force (1 Rank)
Prerequisite: Melee Weapons 90, Strength 7
Your martial might is truly legendary. You do a large amount of additional damage through enemy blocks with all Melee Weapons and Unarmed attacks.
Our grade: C. This perk only affects combat outside of VATS. We've yet to see a good evaluation for how useful this perk is, but obviously you should only consider it if you're playing a Melee or Unarmed character.