

Medical Center Delta (Upper Level)

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Note: The quest log and the information signs will indicate that you should call this map Crew Quarters B, but you've already been through a map with that name. If you save your game here, the interface will call this map Medical Center Delta, and so that's what we're going with.

The Squadmate

For this quest you'll need to rescue your old friend Jake Henderson (#3), who you might remember from the tutorial. However, when you reach him, you'll find that he's gotten himself wounded again, and he can't move on his own. To get him to safety, you'll need to pick up the nearby wheelchair (#4) and bring it back to him. Then Jake will roll on ahead of you and lead the way back to the main level of Medical Center Delta, and all of the locked doors on the way (such as the ones at #1) will open up for you.

When you get Jake back to the control room at Medical Center Delta, you'll receive 2 skill points plus your next quest: to rescue Frank Murphy and try to get the transit system back on-line. For this you'll need to go to Life Support: Waste, which you can reach from the main level of Medical Center Delta.

1 - Locked Doors

These doors will unlock after you've helped Jake (#3), giving you an easy route to exit the map.

2 - Mountable Napalm Gun

When you click on this gun, you'll pick up the Napalm Rail Gun I for HR-V. You can only change HR-V's weapons at workbenches in aid stations.

3 - Jake Henderson

4 - Wheelchair

You won't be able to pick up the wheelchair until after you've spoken to Jake (#3).

5 - Assault Rifle

  1. Freight elevator to Medical Center Delta (Main Level).