Torture Chamber (Ruins of the Moathouse #22)
Note: This information was taken from TSR's original AD&D adventure, the Temple of Elemental Evil.
 Rats |
For the DM: At first glance this place seems long abandoned;
dust, dirt, and cobwebs abound. A
careful perusal shows, however, that several
of the skeletons in the place are not old
remnants, and some of the instruments and
mechanisms have been used very recently
indeed. Only if exacting care is taken in
inspecting the floor can some drops of blood
be noticed, leading south (the trail of a
sloppy ghoul). Without this clue it is 90%
likely that the secret door in the pillar will
go undiscovered. Check only once per character
looking, but roll dice as if normal
checks were being made. (If the trail is discovered,
apply normal chances of locating
the secret door mechanism--1 in 6 for nonelven
characters, 2 in 6 for elven).
Inside the pillar is a shaft some 30 feet
deep, with iron rungs set into the stonework
for easy descent. The rungs are obviously used with some frequency.