

Fist of Stone Skills: Tier 4
Quake (Full Description)

Affects: Tremor Damage / Tremor Radius (in meters)

Requires: Tremor 1, Melee 36, Nature Magic 29

Advancement Summary:

1234 5678 910

11121314 15161718 1920

Improved Tremor (Full Description)

Affects: Tremor Damage (adds +15)

Requires: Quake 4, Soul of Strength 4, Tremor 8, Melee 36, Nature Magic 29

Note: You can only put 1 point into this skill.

Groundshaker (Full Description)

Affects: Earthquake Aura Radius (adds +0.5 meters) / Eruption Radius (adds +0.8 meters)

Requires: Quake 6, Soul of Protection 2, Tremor 8, Melee 36, Nature Magic 29

Note: You can only put 1 point into this skill.






Combat Magic


Nature Magic


Fist of Stone (BW)


Blood Assassin (BW)