

Ranged Skills: Tier 5
Mortal Wound (Full Description)

Affects: Bow and Crossbow Critical Hit Damage

Requires: Far Shot 1, Penetrate 1, Ranged 36

Advancement Summary (Dungeon Siege II):

1234 5678 910
224%242%256%268% 279%288%296%303% 310%316%

11121314 15161718 1920
322%327%332%336% 340%343%346%348% 349%350%

Advancement Summary (Broken World):

1234 5678 910
224%242%256%268% 279%288%296%303% 310%316%

11121314 15161718 1920
322%327%332%336% 340%343%346%348% 350%352%

Ricochet (Full Description)

Affects: Ricochet Damage (of projectile damage)

Requires: Bleed 1, Penetrate 1, Ranged 36

Note: Allows thrown weapons to ricochet after critical hits.

Advancement Summary (Dungeon Siege II and Broken World):

1234 5678 910
66%78%86%94% 101%107%112%117% 122%126%

11121314 15161718 1920
130%133%136%139% 142%144%146%148% 149%150%






Combat Magic


Nature Magic


Fist of Stone (BW)


Blood Assassin (BW)