

Nature Magic Skills: Tier 1
Natural Bond (Full Description)

Affects: Mana Cost of Spells

Requires: Nature Magic 1

Note: Allows characters to harvest mana potions.

Advancement Summary (Dungeon Siege II and Broken World):

1234 5678 910
-6%-12%-17%-22% -26%-30%-34%-37% -40%-43%

11121314 15161718 1920
-45%-47%-49%-51% -53%-55%-57%-58% -59%-60%

Aquatic Affinity (Full Description)

Affects: Healing Magic / Nature Magic Damage

Requires: Nature Magic 1

Advancement Summary (Dungeon Siege II):

1234 5678 910

11121314 15161718 1920

Advancement Summary (Broken World):

1234 5678 910

11121314 15161718 1920






Combat Magic


Nature Magic


Fist of Stone (BW)


Blood Assassin (BW)