

Side Quest: Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

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You'll receive this quest from Ranger Ghost at the Mojave Outpost (#1).


Ghost will tell you that she hasn't seen any traffic from Nipton (#2) recently, which might not be a problem except that she's also noticed smoke coming from that direction. Since she's not allowed to leave her post, she'll ask you to investigate, but she'll warn you to be careful. "I'm asking for eyes and ears, not your life. All right?"

When you arrive in Nipton, you'll discover (either from Boxcars in the general store or from Vulpes Inculta in front of the town hall) that Caesar's Legion attacked the town and killed everyone there except for some lucky lottery winners and some less lucky future slaves. When you relay this information to Ghost, you'll receive 100 xp plus some NCR fame.

1 - Mojave Outpost

2 - Nipton