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 Beggar's Nest |
You can return back to the City Core area from this exit. Additional when you first arrive to Beggar's Nest talk with the Gate Captain Ergus and he will let you know of a few critical information about this district. Ergus will also mention that one of his guards called Walters has gone missing and will ask for you help to find and rescue him. The district if also filled with undead so be prepared to fight a lot once you arrive here.
A couple slightly more difficult Zombies (Zombies vs. Weak Zombies) infest this home. Unfortunately the Zombies have already killed Siril the baker but you can search his body and find the Leaven Bread recipe. The recipe is the quest item for Boddyknock in this Chapter. Also you will find a vial of fairy dust inside the cabinet nearby.
Jemanie is one of the persons Harben at the Shinning Serpent Inn told you to seek. Talk with Jemanie and he will let you know that his brother Torin has been involved into some strange cult that is located at the strange building to the north of here at area #4. His brother started acting strange after joining this cult and apparently the undead seem to ignore this strange building so there must be something going in there. You can ask Jemanie to give you a special key needed to enter the cult building, the Estate Ward Stone, which his brother uses to enter. Jemanie will then ask you to search for his brother as well and see if he is fine.
When you venture down at the Warrens of the Damned you will find Torin's body along with his ring. If you choose to return the ring back to Jemanie you will be rewarded with 100 experience points and 100 gold pieces. You can also persuade him to give you an additional 50 gold pieces or threaten him for 46 gold pieces more though doing so will also change your alignment 3 points towards evil.
Assuming you acquired the key from Jemanie at area #3, you can enter the cult hideout here. Once inside, a group of cultists will attack you. After fighting you way through you will find the Snake Cult leader guarding an entrance to the Beggar's Nest Crypts. For gaining entrance to the cult building you will earn 50 experience points. This is one of the ways that you can gain entrance to the Beggar's Nest Crypts. You can also reach the Crypts from the Sword Boys Warehouse at area #7.
If you have taken the wizard membership quest you can enter this house using Eltoora's key in order to retrieve one of the rare items Eltoora looks for. You will have to defeat the Fire Mephit that guards the room first before you can pick up the Kindling Wood from the woodpile there.
The body of Marcus, Bertrand's brother, is located here near the gate to the Great Cemetery. Search his body and you will find his Staff and his Journal. Be sure to report this to Bertrand at the Helmite temple over at area #11. You should also be aware that you cannot enter the cemetery from here at the moment and you will have to find another way to it. There is also a plague victim pyre nearby that needs to be torched awarding you will 25 experience points.
Through this warehouse you will find another way to the Beggar's Nest Crypts. See Warehouse walkthrough section for more information.
The first room of this warehouse has a few zombies in it and lots of chests/crates to loot. Go down the stairs to another room filled with zombies and loot. Follow the path around to the far door. Inside this door you will find an Undead Sword Coast boy, who is quite a bit more difficult than the zombies. There are a few more chests and another door to venture through. Drawl is in the next room guarding a few cells and the guard named Walters. Free him and you will gain 50 exp. Yet another door down will lead into the Beggar's Nest Crypts.
Inside this house you will find Krestal. Defeat the zombies that are located inside to save Krestal. You can then talk to him about this old gang, the Sword Coast Boys. Apparently the gang has been turned into zombies and their Leader Drawl is a powerful undead now. The location of the cult is at the Warehouse at area #7.
The academy is located here. You cannot do anything here at this chapter since the doors of the Academy were locked after the attack at the Prelude. You can however torch the plague victim pyre nearby for 25 experience points.
Hector can be found inside Thomas Wheelwright Wagon Repair Shop. He is looking for some wagon parts for his master Aldo. Aldo can be found at area #13. Hector is not the most clever man in the world but he is afraid of his master and will want you to come with him to his master and tell him that indeed Hector did not found any wagon parts there. If you first spoke with Aldo then you can take hector back to his master.
Also inside this building you will find some Official papers into the bookshelf there. The papers are the quest item for Tomi in this chapter. See our henchmen quest for more information.
Inside the temple you will find Bertrand. Bertrand is waiting for his brother Marcus to return but he fears for his life. He will ask you to look for him and bring back any news you find. Also a priest there will offer some healing and some good to buy/sell. Once you find of body of Marcus over at the entrance of the Great Cemetery return back to the temple and report it to Bertrand.
For giving Bertrand his brother's journal you will be rewarded with 50 experience points. Additionally f you choose to part with Marcus' Staff as well you will be given 100 more experience points, 400 gold pieces and gain 3 alignment points towards good. You can choose not to give the staff back or even ask for a price for it, however you will only get a 400 gold pieces rewarded as would otherwise get if you just gave the Staff back.
The Shinning Serpent Inn is one of the safe places here in the beggar's Nest. Talk to Harben and he will let you know of the current situation with the undead infestation. He will also ask you to find and rescue two persons, Krestal, which lives at the central east portion of this district and Jemanie, which lives north of the main gate. Harben will also let you know that you about Drake. Drake can offer some additional information about Krestal and Jemanie.
When you deal with the Yuan-Ti, Gulnan, down at the Warrens of the Damned do not forget to return back here and inform Harben that you have resolved the issue of the undead infestation. For your efforts you will be rewarded will 500 gold pieces and an Amulet of Natural Armor +2. You can also gain another 100 gold pieces with a successful persuasion check.
Aldo and Mattily are two Gnomes that are guarding their broken wagon. They're looking for Hecktor, who went to get wagon parts. Hector can be found at Thomas Wheelwright Wagon Repair. When you find Hector at area #10 and bring him here, you will earn 100 experience points.