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 Maugrim's Sanctuary |
The teleportation circle will take you back to the Strange Courtyard over at the War Zone area.
The time has come to meet the new Aribeth which has turned from a noble Paladin of Tyr to an evil Blackguard. There is nothing you can do at the moment other from defending yourself since she will come against you as soon as you step foot into this room. Since Aribeth is actually a cleric you will want to go melee with her before she will be able to cast some nasty spells on you. When you finally get her down to badly injured she will stop the fight and surrender. Listen to what she has to say and you can choose your course of action afterwards. You can either end her life or try to convince her to surrender to Lord Nasher and redeem herself. However in order to do so you will need her Ring that she gave to you after telling you her story at Chapter 2. If you save her you will be rewarded with 500 experience points and Aribeth will return back to Castle Never to surrender. You can have a later conversation once you return to the castle but right now you have one more thing to do here and it is nothing else that ending the life of Maugrim.
Maugrim and two Servants of Flesh are waiting for you here. When you reach this room Maugrim will speak to you first, saying that the ritual has already begun and that there is nothing you can do and soon after he will attack you. Keep in mind that Maugrim is a high level wizard and will bomb you with time stops and death magic all to the time so it will be handy to have some kind of protection or immunity to those spells. There is also another problem, his servants of flesh are nothing more that vessels that Maugrim will use if you defeat his primary form, so aim for the two servants first and deal with Maugrim later in order to totally defeat him. When Maugrim is no more, proceed to area #4 and claim the fourth and last Word of Power from the chest there.
After the fall of Maugrim enter this room and take the Word of Power from the chest. The chest also contains some powerful but random items and major treasures. You will also find Maugrim's Journal which explains everything that happened so far including the conversion of Lady Aribeth. With the last Word of Power in your possessions return back to Castle Never and report it to Lord Nasher and Haedraline to trigger the final portions of the game and to unlock the way to Morag and to her world inside the Source Stone.