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 Port Llast Mines |
1 – EXIT
Exit to surface and to the North Road area.
There is a chest in this area that contains a random magical item, possibly a Ring of Invisibility.
The Half-Orc Yesgar dwells in this room. Once again you will have to fight him before you will be able to talk to him. He will then tell you several things about his escape and the kidnapped. It is your choice what to do with him next, you can either let him flee or kill him, however keep in mind that if you kill him the action will be considered evil thus shifting your alignment to evil for a few points. When you are done with him proceed to area #4 to free Shaldrissa.
If you decided to kill Yesgar, he drops a key that unlocks the cell of Shaldrissa, if you did not you will find another key in the chest near the cell. Unlock the cell and talk with Shaldrissa to hear her side of the story and instruct her to return to the town. Don't forget to return to the town and to Kendrack, to claim your reward.