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 Port Llast |
You start Chapter Two from here knowing almost nothing for the mystery Cult that was behind the Wailing Death plague and cost the lives of so many people of Neverwinter. You will soon find out that all of the Henchmen are located here too. With them is also Lady Aribeth and the Spymaster of Lord Nasher, Aarin Gend. After talking to Lady Aribeth you will find out what you have to do from now on. You will begin your search for the mysterious Cult. Aarin Gend has pinpointed some locations that are best to start your search for the cult. Talk with him for more details. You mission is to find 2 pieces of evidence that confirm the location of the Cult's hideout. Any information concerning the Cult has to be brought back to Lady Aribeth so that she will decide what to do next.
Kendrack the mayor is also located here, if you talk to him he will let you know of some prisoners that have escaped from the prison of Waterdeep and that a bounty has been placed on their head. As proof Kendrack asks for the tattooed ear of the prisoner that shows they were prisoners, before he give you any reward.
You have to search for the following people:
- Zor, a Minotaur possibly found at Green Griffon Inn at the North Road
- Wyvern, an Elven ranger possibly found in the Neverwinter Wood
- Stirge, a Gnome possibly found somewhere to the South Road
- Delilah, a Halfling possibly found somewhere to the East Road
- Yesgar, a Half-Orc whom his location is so far unknown
For each ear you return back to Kendrack you will be rewarded with 350 gold pieces and 125 experience points. When you bring back the ear of the fourth escaped prisoner, Kendrack will inform you that Yesgar has made his appearance and kidnapped his daughter Shaldrissa. He will also tell you that the Half-Orc has found refuge inside Port Llast's Old Mines at the North Road and will give you the key for the mines to go and look for Yesgar and rescue his daughter. When you find Yesgar and rescue Kendrack's daughter return back here to collect your reward. As always you will be rewarded with 350 gold pieces and 125 experience points and additional 500 experience points for completing the Bounty Hunt Quest and rescuing his daughter.
Also each time you find evidence about the Cult return here and inform Aribeth so that she will let you know about the status of your mission. When you find two solid pieces of evidence pinpointing the locations of the Cult, Aribeth will instruct you to settle any unfinished ends you left and make your way to Luskan where your mission will continue. Keep in mind that after going to Luskan you cannot come back to Port Llast again.
Additionally, a young boy will come asking for your help as soon as you exit the Barracks. He will say something about his mother been captured by Ogres and will ask you to pay a visit to his father to learn more if you decided to help. His father is located in a farm house just north of Port Llast.
Nothing of importance here, just a few sailors minding their business, however if you pay a visit to the Docks House to the north you might be able to help with something if you have high enough persuade skill. Inside the Docks House you will find Captain Mung and Prichev the Dock Master arguing about a shipment. If you interfere to the conversation you will learn that Prichev is trying to convince Captain Mung to take a shipment of supplies to Neverwinter which contains some goods the people of Port Llast were able to gather to help the people of Neverwinter, other than taking a shipment to Waterdeep that apparently will give him more money. If you have high enough persuade skill you will be able to convince Captain Mung to take the Neverwintan Shipment.
A smuggler can also be found just outside of the Docks House. He sells some various items, most notably a nice selection of all kinds of traps.
Port Llast's Temple of Tyr is located in this area. In order to access it however you have to use the portal. Once again by using the Stone of Recall you will be transferred here. The priest of Tyr Neurik offers free healing and acts as a merchant to sell or buy equipment. The Divine Pool is located inside the temple as well. This is also the place where you have to return to reclaim your fallen henchmen.
Neurik will also let you know of a problem that concerns Port Llast. Some young boys have followed Sir Karathis is his search for a werewolf that goes by the name Black Wolf but something went terribly wrong and both the boys and Sir Karathis were bitten by the Black wolf and infested lycanthropy as well, expect one of the boys, Ander, who can be found an the Alliance Arm Inn. Neurik will give you some silver charms and ask you to find the boys, and if possible by using the silver charms, to restored them. The three boys are Urth, Geth and Bran. Each time you find one of the boys, you have to make a successful persuasion check in order for them to accept the charm, or kill them. Either way you will get a ring from each boy to take back to Neurik for your reward.
For each saved boy you will gain 150 gold pieces and 74 experience points. When all three boys are found and cured you will have to find Sir Karathis as well and you will probably know where to find him. There is cave near Green Griffon Inn that is supposed to be the werewolf's Lair. Sir Karathis can be found in the cave only after you found and/or restored all three boys back to humans. You will also have to cure him with one of Neurik's silver charms. After curing Sir Karathis he will give you his Journal which contains the identity of the real Black Wolf who is no one else than the guy that sells anti-lycanthropy items at Alliance Arm Inn, Alhelor. Report back to Neurik and he will request from you one last favor, to destroy the Black Wolf (see area #9).
When you kill Alhelor return to Neurik and give him Alhelor's Tooth as proof of your success to end the Black Wolf Hunt. You will be rewarded further with 850 gold pieces (with a successful persuade check) or a little less without and a whole of 750 experience points.
The Inn of Port Llast hosts some interesting NPCs and some even more interesting quests. Several evens with also take place in the Inn. See below:
- Solomon: This odd-looking Halfling will give you a ring as a reward for saving Neverwinter from the Plague the first time you meet with him. As you will find later from Solomon himself the ring was nothing more than a tracking device which makes Solomon a Cult Agent. After a couple of more encounters with this guy, he will eventually attack you outside of Port Llast from each location.
- Elaith Craulnober: This elf will give you the Serpent Gems quest if you are a rogue or make a successful persuade check. You will have to retrieve three special gems that he needs in order for him to return back home. At some point Elaith will offer to show you his merchandise if you talk with him a little further. He has a nice variety of magical items to sell. For each gem you bring back to him you will be rewarded with 200 gold pieces and 250 experience points. Once you recover all three gems talk with Elaith again to end your search for the Serpent Gems. He will also reward you with 500 gold pieces, 250 experience points and a magical armor (Armor of Loyalty). With a successful persuade check you can gain another 300 gold pieces and a different item, a magic Belt (Encircling Scale).
- Ander: One of the boys that Sir Karathis enlisted for his search of the Black Wolf and the only one that escaped unharmed. Talk to him to learn his story of the Black Wolf as well as some information about possible places that the werewolf can be found. When the mystery of the Black Wolf is solved return back and convince him to start his own anti-lycanthropy shop. You can even help him financially for some alignment points (7) towards good.
- Alhelor: Alhelor sells some anti-lycanthropy items here. When you find his true identity he will no longer be here and he can be found back to his place (area #9).
- Darktongue Breakbone: The dwarf will develop a strange interest about your search for the cult. Remember him because you will meet him again later on.
Also the Innkeeper has some general goods to sell. In one of the rooms upstairs you will find 2 vials of Fairy Dust.
Haljal Throndor sells some basic equipment while the blacksmith at the corner have a bigger selection of items including several magic weapons and armors.
Eltoora Sarptyl has a fine selection of magic items but in order to see the merchandise you will have to give her a magic reagent each time you want to sell or buy something. Any of these reagents will do: Fire Beetle's Belly, Bodak's Tooth, Rakshasa's Eye, Slaad's Tongue, Skeleton Knuckle, Quartz Crystal, Fen Berry, Fairy Dust and Ettercap's Silk Gland. She also has a task for you, to retrieve the five Tomes of Imaskar. See below for the possible locations of the Tomes:
- Tome of Fire: At the castle of the haunted village of Charwood to the south
- Tome of Death: At the castle of the haunted village of Charwood to the south
- Tome of Resonance: Deep into the Neverwinter Wood
- Tome of Life: Inside Brother Toras' Tomb at the cemetery near Green Griffon Inn
- Tome of Ice: Wanev's Tower south of Port Llast.
For each Tome you bring back to Eltoora you will gain 300 gold pieces and 125 experience points plus 100 gold pieces with a successful persuade check.
There is also a portal here which takes you down to Eltoora's Lab. There you can create some magic items on your own but you have to find the Tomes of Imaskar first. Each time you bring back a Tome to Eltoora you can create an item by placing the reagents into the chest and casting the appropriate spell. (Notes on the bookshelf nearby). Below is a list of the items you can create (if you are an arcane magic user):
- From Tome of Life: Fen Berry + Quartz Crystal then Cast: Endure Elements Creates: Ring of Elemental Resistance
- From the Tome of Resonance: Fen Berry + Ettercap Silk Glands then Cast: Lightning Bolt Creates: Wand of Lightning
- From the Tome of Ice: Skeleton's Knuckle + Quartz Crystal then Cast: Mage Armor Creates: Amulet of Natural Armor +3
- From the Tome of Fire: Fire Beetle's Belly + Quartz Crystal then Cast: Fireball Creates: Staff of Power
- From the Tome of Death: Ettercap Silk Gland + Skeleton's Knuckle then Cast Improved Invisibility Creates: Ring of Protection +3
The druid here will let you know about the problem with the Neverwinter Wood. Something is wrong in the forest and animals keep attacking all that enter the forest even rangers and druids. You will find the cause after you venture down to the Neverwinter Wood later on. Ballard has some goods to sell as well.
Wanev is a powerful mage and has a Tower just outside of Port Llast to the south. He is also the owner of this cottage and the owner of one of Serpent Gems. If you took the quest from Elaith to recover the serpent Gem he will give you a key in order to enter this house. However the main door can be bashed open or unlocked. But you will need the key for the inner door, this is the only way you can open it. Inside the house you will find Wanev's Cookbook, a Gargoyle Skull and Wanev's Bedroom Journal. Read the books for more information on how you can access Wanev's Tower. Inside the Kitchen you will find a blazer. According to the Cookbook you found earlier you have to place a Fire Beetle's Belly, a Slaad's Tongue and 2 Skeleton's Knuckles inside the Blazer. The result is a creation of a portal just near the Blazer. The portal takes you to Wanev's secret lab inside the house. There you will find Wanev's Wardstone which you will need to enter his Tower along with Wanev's Lab Journal.
Alhelor's House is empty for now but has a strange odor. When you uncover the true identity of the Black Wolf, Alhelor will no longer be at the Alliance Arm Inn but he will return here to his house. Pay him a visit here and meet with the Black Wolf himself. After talking with him you will have to fight and defeat him. Once Alhelor is dead retrieve Alhelor's Tooth from his body and return to the Temple of Tyr to collect your reward.
Inside the house you will meet with the parents of Urth, one of the boys that were bitten by the werewolf. They will insist on leaving them alone, but if you go upstairs you will be immediately attacked by a werewolf which is actually Urth. Beat him down until he surrenders and then talk to him and convince him to use Neurik's silver charm. When you restore him back to human he will give you his ring to take back to Neurik as proof. If you talk with Urth's parents after you cure him they will thank you. If you accept just their gratitude you will be rewarded with a few alignment points towards good.
Exit Port Llast from here to continue to the North Road and the Green Griffon Inn. This is also the way to Luskan.
Exiting Port Llast from here takes you to the East Road and to the Neverwinter Wood.
Exiting Port Llast from here takes you to the South Road and eventually to Charwood.