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 Warrens of the Damned |
Use the exit from here to return back to the Great Cemetery. Gulnan the escaped Yuan-Ti made the Warrens of the Damned his liar and with the Snake Cult necromantic Focus started manipulating the dead which cause the Undead Infestation in the district. Once you arrive at the Warrens Gulnan will start to possess some of the zombies that you will find here and give will try to warn you to flee this place. Be prepared for several undead fights before you will confront him though.
In order to access this room you will need to find the Ancient Key. The key can be found on Torin's body at area #3. Once inside you can loot the containers for some random loot as well some magical items.
Also, when you open the sarcophagus a Mummy will spawn to fight you. Finish him off and you will find that opening the sarcophagus was worth the effort. A magical Armor, the Armor of Comfort (possibly standard drop) lies within.
The corpse of Torin, Jemanie's brother, is located here. Apparently his involvement with Gulnan has led him to his demise. Search the body and you will find Torin's ring and the Ancient key. The key is needed to unlock the room at area #2. Also be sure to return the ring back to Jemanie at the Beggar's Nest.
Talk with the former owner of this place and he will be quite irate at being jailed. Through his angry ramblings you can find out a lot about what lies ahead of you. If you break down the cell door you can loot a chest in the back of the cell and discover his journal. You can choose what to do with him after you have done talking with him. You can either decide to free him leave him there or kill him. Also the journal can give you some pointers as f how to make the fight with Gulnan easier. Apparently the altar that creates undead has to be destroyed to prevent more undead from coming out.
This room is guarded by a Zombie Lord, who is quite a bit more difficult than the weak and regular zombies in the rest of the place. There are several chests in this room that you will want to be sure to loot.
Inside this room you will find another Ancient Key that can unlock the door to area #8 where you will confront Gulnan. Also here you will find Gulnan's Journal and a note. The note explains in general how Gulnan was able to gain such power after he escaped the Academy and the Journal will let you know of a way to weaken Gulnan's defences. According to it there is some sort of Altar that Gulnan uses to create undead. The altar Jared mentioned at his journal as well at area #5. The interesting point though is that this device even if it looks like a pillar it is also extremely fragile.
The Animated Armours that guard the four rooms near here can be a difficult fight. Once you have managed to vanquish them, each room contains a chest and a sarcophagus and you will probably find some good items within. The sarcophagus can be difficult to open so you may need a skilled rogue with you.
The time has come to end Gulnan's reign over the dead. Be well prepared and act quick once inside to prevent Gulnan casts some of her powerful and nasty spells. Remember to first destroy the altar there, because if you do all the undead protecting Gulnan will be destroyed leaving only the Yuan-Ti behind. For breaking the altar you will be rewarded with 200 experience points. When the altar is destroyed focus your attacks on Gulnan.
Once you have defeated her, be sure to grab her heart, as it is one of the essential reagents in the cure for the plague, and you will be rewarded with 200 more experience points. Gulnan will also drop a vial of Special Holy Water and her Scimitar +1. Additionally, be sure to loot the two chests in this room as they house some rather nice items.